You have questions? We have answers!
To help current and future contestants. We have compiled some important FAQ’s about Wand Wars. Please feel free to reach out to us to add any more questions that have not been featured.
What is the Wand Wars Fashion Show?
Wand Wars Fashion Show is a performance competition of wand outfits, comedy, and creativity!
5 participants per show
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
Open to anyone who has Animal Crossing, a Nintendo online subscription, and a wand!
Do I need a name for each outfit?
It is not necessary but **HIGHLY** recommended as it can earn you extra points.
Your outfit description helps set the tone for your walk. It also can answer any questions that the judges or audience might have on your choice of clothing. Most importantly, it is a fun way of getting the crowd involved. The sky is the limit with your description. This is your chance to be creative
-Need help? DM us and we’ll be more than happy to answer your question.
-Need more of a visual? Head over to **** to see what past contestants have done.
Is there a mirror or drawer in which I can change before I walk?
Yes! Behind the stage are a mirror and drawer. You may use it anytime before you walk the runway per category. There is no limit to what you can do. Show us what you got!
Is there any media/PR that I can share or promote on my platform?
Absolutely! Find the latest updates on Wand Wars here:
Discord: Coco, of the Kokomo Cocos #9753
Instagram: adventuresinkokomo
Twitch: cocoeve686
As for any media, you may use any of the media that is sent out or promoted by Coco or Baychilla on their respective social media accounts. You may also contact us directly to inquire about a specific PR.
How is the competition scored?
The competition is scored by Coco and Baychilla.
You will be competing for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
The highest overall score possible is 120 points*, 10 points per walk X 2 judges.
The highest score wins 1st place!
*Starting on 8/9/20 the highest overall score possible is 100 points, 10 points per walk X 2 judges.
Are there any prizes for winning Wand Wars?
Yes! Once the scores are calculated and the winners are announced, a judge will go over the prizes for 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place. The prizes are posted with the rules and on the Discord.
Is there an All-Stars Wand Wars?
Yes! The seasons five (5) winners will be entered to be a part of the All-Stars Wand Wars to compete for the crown.
The first Wand Wars All-Stars will be hosted on Sunday **7/26** at **8:30 pm** Eastern Standard Time.
Future All-Star dates will also be announced on the respective social media.
Why should I join the Wand Wars discord?
The Wand Wars discord is open to anyone who is interested or is participating in the show. The discord will have important information about the day of the show, upcoming events, showcase current and past winners, and a space to share tips and tricks about Animal Crossing.
The discord is continuing to grow, so please let us know if you have someone you would like to invite to the discord.
Is there a time limit to this show?
The show begins at 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Contestants are encouraged to arrive on Kokomo at 8 pm to get settled in. Coco will send the DODO code for each contestant.
The show should end no later than 10 pm Eastern Standard Time.
Is this show streamed? Can my friends or family watch?
Yes! We encourage your friends and family to join the stream on…
The more, the merrier! :)
How do we communicate during the show?
Please sign up for a FREE Twitch account. This is how you will communicate with the judges and how you will be able to communicate with the audience.
You may also use the in-game chat as well. However, you must be able to hear the stream because this is the only way you will hear what category is next.
Do we need to walk fast on the runway or can we take our time?
Please take your time to showcase your outfit, who you are, and the category that you are slaying. Let the audience live and eat it up. Let the judges admire your performance, props, and reactions! This is your time to shine - shine bright!
Can we use custom codes for our outfits?
Absolutely! Using custom codes will help set you apart from the competition and can be the game-changer in the show. We encourage all creativity.
In addition, you may use the drawer or mirror prior to walking down. You are not limited to what you change. So if you decide to be a different character - we’ll allow it :).
What does mid-walk change mean? Can possibly do 2 outfits per category walk?
That is correct, you can do two oufits per category. We allow only 1 additional change per category.
Where and when does this competition take place?
Wand Wars takes place on Coco’s island, Kokomo. Dates and times are posted on social media,, and on the discord. The show always lands on a Sunday, unless specified
What does mid-walk change mean? Can possibly do 2 outfits per category walk?
That is correct, you can do two oufits per category. We allow only 1 additional change per category.
How do you judge the performance?
Performance is scored by how engaged you are with the crowd and the judges.
Do you use the space you are given?
Do you use any reactions for your avatar while walking down the runway?
Do you use props to help convey your outfit?
Are you telling a story with your walk?
Give us the drama! Give us Life! Give us a performance hunnie!
What kind of Props can I have?
You may use any props and as much as you need to convey your category outfit. This helps contribute to your performance to get the highest score possible.
**Examples**: Shovel, fishing net, ax, umbrella, flowers, bags of bells, etc.
**Props don’t count as a mid-walk change does it?**
No, it does not. You may have as many props as you need to make sure you stunt on that runway.