Wand Wars Fashion Show
01 — The prep (Wand* needed)
Prepare outfits to fit each category using your wand*. An extra point is given for creative outfit names! You are welcome to use additional props. (i.e. - a watering can if you are dressed as a gardener.)
*There are 8 outfit slots on a wand and only 6 categories. Don’t be afraid of to hit us with one mid walk change for up to 2 categories, to really nail the theme.
02 — The walk
Make sure to practice your strut! Come ready to perform and wow the crowd. You can slow walk, do spins, put on a show. We see you!
03 — The categories/themes
There are five (5) categories/themes for the show. There is an example of some past categories below . (*More info below!)
Preppy/Prep School
Celebrity (*Will change periodically)
Historical Opposites (*Will change periodically)
04 — The scoring
You will be competing for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Winners are chosen by the viewers of the show, so the more you promote the show, the better chance you will take the crown!
Rules and Info
Each walk will be scored as followed:
Theme points=
Nail the theme: +5 points
Obscure/off the mark: +2 points
Overall performance = +2 points
Bonus points:
You can earn bonus points with these two things:
Creative and/or hilarious outfit name= +1 point (+2 points if it’s both!)
*To earn the bonus points, try to make your outfit name creative/funny!
Relevant props= +1 point
*Past Categories | Themes
2. 2Sexy!
Clean and sexy, that’s the name of the game. Put on your club fit, or tell a story with before and after outfits. Bring your sexy to the stage.
2. Costume/Cosplay
Fictional characters, our favorite heros and villans, and everything in between. Show us your dream cosplay lewks, or costumes!