'n Verlore Verstand | Trees, but frustrate me…
I’m putting this out now since it’s currently on sale for $2.
Okay... Takes a deep breath… I hate this game.
I hate it so much that I can’t stop playing it and I hate the developer for creating it.
I hate them for putting the game on sale for $2, essentially forcing me to buy it.
How dare you Skobbejak Games, how dare you!
Okay good, now that I have gotten the raw emotion out of the way, here is the general review.
‘N Verlore Verstand is first person, puzzle experience where you wander through a dream-like state with the focus of each level making it to a creepy tree. A simple enough goal, right? Well...The levels start easy, as you would expect, and quickly turn increasingly more difficult as a game should, well, more on this soon.
✨ Gameplay is simple walk, run, crouch, jump. There is some interaction with the environment to trigger other things but making the switch is as simple as walking up to and facing the item. No buttons to be pushed. The game runs pretty smooth but I like the atmosphere of the whole thing.
✨ There are no enemies that try to kill you and when you “die” from an environmental mishap, you spawn at the last major save point. What frustrates me is the lack of a story. The dream-like state makes it overall ambiguous and that makes it interesting but the lack of story makes it hard to know what you are supposed to do. I find that some objectives are understood but on the harder levels I find it hard to really know what to do and after much wondering, something will unlock and I’m not quite sure why.
✨ There are two modes, regular and time trials. I don’t have the confidence to do time trials as I don’t know how I even passed a few of the levels. I’ll revisit them after I finish. Though the game has its faults and can be frustrating at times, I find it fun and definitely worth $2, maybe not $14. I still hate this game and also can’t wait to beat it.
AiK Rating: 3/5 Adventure Coins
✨Watch gameplay/trailer here.